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Comparison Between: Medicare Supplement Vs Medical Advantages


Do you need help choosing the type of policy plan to involve yourself? The two types of insurance policies have different types of coverage. However, you need to understand their similarities and differences and understand the one that works best for you. However, to better understand them, sites such as offer a detailed explanation of their differences. The explanation helps you to make a better decision on the type of policy you want to involve yourself with.

It is something important to note when making your final decision. The medicare advantage combines parts A and B as comprehensive coverage under one plan. However, it sometimes includes Part D, also known as Part C, for prescription drug coverage.

The Medicare supplement, also known as Medicap, insurance policies will help pay out pocket expenses that the original Medicare does not cover. However, it is not normally under the government’s program, but it provides coverage. 

Between Medicare advantages and Medicare supplements, which is better?

For you to choose the type of insurance plan, it all depends on your needs. Below are factors to consider when deciding which of the two policy plans is good for you: 

  1. Preference for one cover rolled into one plan. If this is so, a medicare advantage plan is an option for you. The plan may include part D which is the drug coverage. 
  2. Do you need financial protection from unexpected costs? If this is your expectation, the Medicare supplement plan works well with the original Medicare, which can assist in covering some of the out-of-pocket expenses that part A and B don’t cover. 
  3. Do you need one that has coverage for disabilities? If this is the case, the medicare advantage plan should be your choice as it covers special needs plans. 
  4. Do you want the freedom to choose the type of doctors to attend to you? If so, the medical supplement plan should be your option as it doesn’t require any network, and you can see any doctor as long as they accept Medicare. However, some medicare advantage plans accept you to see any doctor not in the plan’s network. 
  • Is it possible to have two policies at the same time?

Medicare Supplement and medicare advantage are two types of policy plans; hence you cannot have both simultaneously. The medicare advantage plan covers parts A, B, D, and other coverages. However, one must have original parts A and B for medical supplement coverage. 

  • Can you change from one policy to another? 

The answer is yes but during an annual enrollment period between October 15 and December 7. If you wish to change from one policy plan to another, this is the right time. However, always ensure that you consider your needs first before you make a final decision. 

Considering their differences, one is not better than the other as they offer different types of coverage. However, finding the best one is only considered by your type of needs. Do you want to understand these different types of policy plans in detail? If yes, sites such as would give you a better understanding of both to make a proper decision. 


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